As part of our effort to protect the environment, Joint Effort to Save the Environment joined other actors in the cleaning of Fort Portal Tourism City. An activity initiated by the Tooro Kingdom under the theme “BARAGIRA KIKI CAMPAIGN,” actors leveraged this and marked the beginning of the Water and Environment Week.

The Ministry of Water and Environment Albertine regional office, Tooro Kingdom, together with AFRIYEA, on 1st of March 2025 participated in the monthly Fort Portal City clean-up exercise.

As part of its Albertine Regional Water and Environment Week pre-events, the activity intended to spread awareness on proper waste management for sustainable water resources and environmental management, with the main goal of keeping River Mpanga clean and safe for socio-economic development of the Mpanga catchment.

The Prime Minister of the Tooro, Rt. Hon. Calvin Rwomire Armstrong, who represented the Omukama of the Tooro Kingdom as the Chief Guest thanked the organising partners for the effort in setting up the event and also urged them to take it a step further and also engage in mindset change activities to sensitize the local community on taking care of their environment and river to enable them curb the adverse effects of global warming.

The event was also attended by representatives of the de-concentrated Ministry of Water and Environment departments, Uganda People’s Defence Forces, the Uganda Police Force, office of the Resident City Commissioner, and partners such as IRC, Jese, Join For Water, NRDI, primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions, members of the media and members of the local community.

In addition to the cleaning campaign, the ARWEWK launched the demarcation of Nyakimya wetland along River Mpanga in Fort Portal City, Kabarole District. With support from Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, through Join For Water with NRDI, the implementing Agency, will demarcate six wetland systems in Fort Portal Tourism City.

The event was marked by the ceremonial installation of the first pillar within Fort Portal City, which marked the beginning of demarcation of 10km along the same wetland.

During this launch, the Chief Guest, Calvin

Rwomire Armstrong, the Prime Minister of Tooro Kingdom, pledged to support the ministry’s projects and urged the locals to take up the initiative to protect and restore the wetlands in order to control and reduce the effects of global warming which is increasing at an accelerated rate.

The event was also attended by representatives of the de-concentrated Ministry of Water and Environment departments, Tooro Kingdom, Uganda’s key defense and security agencies, office of the Resident City Commissioner, assorted key partners, education institutions, the media fraternity and members of the local community

Through Restore Africa, JESE aims to improve livelihoods, food security and resilience to climate change

in Africa through the restoration of ecosystem services and the improved management of agricultural and forest areas. In preparation for the March-May (MAM) rainy season, JESE targets to reach a total of 5,491 farming households across 38 sub-counties in the districts of Ibanda,

Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kamwenge, Bunyangabu, and Buhweju in mid-western Uganda. The initiative aims to plant 693,252 trees, through a wide range of planting systems including: agroforestry, woodlots, silverpastral, boundary and strip planting. Key activities include community & stakeholder engagement meetings, Community Road visioning, agroforestry and tree management trainings, and distribution of tree seedlings

Mr. Benono Ategeka is a 52-year-old male. Originally born in Kisoro. Benon lives in Nyamwendara village, Kyakatooyo Parish, Katooke Sub County in Kyenjojo district. Benono is married and has 11 children. One out of the 11 children live with them while the rest are in boarding school.

I am a farmer as well as a business man. I have stayed in this village for the last 11 years.  I met Joint Effort to Save the Children-JESE and Care in 2029. I told them that I am a farmer and I was asked if I was in a group. Our group was introduced to JESE and Care team and the rest is history.

We were taught about farm planning, encouraged to plan together with my wife and the rest of the family members among other things using the FFBS Model. “I want to thank JESE for taking us and teaching us. Because of JESE and Care, I now own a milling machine at the trading center and 14 ha of land in which  I have coffee garden, matooke and my wife understands money.” Said Benon

JESE found when my wife and I would never agree on anything. Whenever I would sell the produce from our garden, my wife would not believe when I told her that the money was finished. There was a lot of misunderstandings between us. When JESE came, I picked interest and attended the trainings. During the trainings, we were taught numerous things; Home farm planning, child care among others. We started doing everything together unlike before when we would have separate gardens.

We have continued to plan and do everything together. I support my wife with all house chores and my neighbors ask whether my wife is fine. Each time they met me at the bore hole or taking our goats to graze. We planned for our children. In 2022, we agreed to take our children to better schools because our house income improved. 2 of my children are at St. Charles Lwanga, while others are in great schools too. I pay school fees of 500 plus for each child every term.

“Because of JESE and Care, we became a role model home in our community and started sharing our experiences with other community members. Other men would let their wives do all the work at home from morning to 6pm and still expected their wives to care for them (Men) in the night. Benon shared.

I shared with them my experience and also told them the causes of misunderstandings between couples. I encouraged them to sit down with their family members and plan together as a family for the betterment of their families.

“I became a role model man and oriented other men. I became known in my community and got elected as the Chairman, Development Affairs. At our church, I am on the procurement committee with Compassion Uganda. At school, I am the Chairman-PTA because I am known as a responsible father.” Benon shared.

 I became a Community Based Trainer under JESE and Care. Now, we discuss on what investments can bring income and care for our children’s basic needs.  Working together with my wife has improved my family. I am now called to the CDO’s Office to support with community Development activities.

I want to thank God for bringing JESE to our community. I want to thank JESE and Care for the good work done in our community and ask them to continue empowering us. Care taught  us to plan and do things as planned. Some people don’t understand the need to educated the girl child. I want to encourage everyone to pick interest in educating girls.

Continue to plan as a family because I am a testimony of the benefits. We now have our plots of land at the Trading center. I encourage other men to empower their spouses to be financially capable. You always have peace and harmony once you support your wife. She will continue supporting, trusting and believing in you and your abilities. Children will respect you and hold you in high regard unlike when everyone does separate plans.

“JESE put me on the map. Other NGOs got to know me through JESE work and I am delighted that JESE believed in me. My children know me as their father because I provide.” Benono adds.

Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE)received funding from Join For Water and Serengeti Energy to construct a water extension project in Ntara Sub County, Kitagwenda District.

The program, which was implemented for ten months, came as a relief to the community of Ntara Sub County.

The Ntara water extension project was constructed by Bakens Investment. It includes 12 water stands from Rwetuha to Nyakacwamba across eight villages: Kalere, Mpanga, Rwengwe, Kapapali, Karubuguma 1, Karubuguma 2, Nyakacwamba 1, and Nyakacwamba 2.

The handover event that was attended by the community members, District officials, sub-county team Local council chairpersons of the benefiting communities, JESE, Join For Water, and Serengeti Energy was full of appreciation from the different stakeholders.

“We have spent many years waiting for water and are very grateful for the support. I want to thank Join For Water, JESE, and Serengeti for making this happen.” Said Mr. Twesigye Ben, the Chairperson of Local Council 1, Kalere Village. 

The community, sub-county, and District leaders committed to continue supporting the water project. They pledged to support the maintenance and repairs of the facilities. They, however, cautioned the community members against misuse of the water resource.  Now that we have clean water, diseases like; Typhoid, and cholera will be reduced in other communities.

Mr. Mushermeze Ismail the District LCV Chairman shared that he is in contact with the district engineer and the RDC’s office to ensure the water source in Rwetuha is protected and secured. 

Message from the Funders and implementing partner.

JESE, Join For Water, and Serengeti Energy thanked the community members across the eight villages for allowing water pipes to be passed in their land saying the project would not be successful without the donation made by the community members and Kitagwenda District leaders for the continued support that enabled the completion of the project.

 Serengeti Energy, represented by Ms. Karen remarked that they participated in the event to show their commitment to serving the community. “We are aware that having water near saves our women and girls time walking long distances.” Said Karen Low, the Chief Environmental, Social, and Governance Officer, at Serengeti Energy.

Kipepa Women of Hope is an association that brings women together to improve their livelihood. Formed on August 16, 2023, the group started with 80 members. The group now has 72 members, but only 50 are active.

The group started as a Village Savings and Loans Association in Kipepa Village, Kyamutusa Parish, Nyantungo Sub County, Kyenjojo district, and has now become a learning center for community members. Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE) selected the group, gave them several trainings in income-generating activities, and facilitated their start.

Kipepa Women of Hope’s activities range from; Kitchen gardening, maize growing, coffee growing, and production of organic manure among others.

“My house was made of mad and watto before the training. When I returned home with the knowledge following the training I underwent with JESE, I informed my husband about the facilitation given to me. We planned together to use the money to improve our home.

 Having attended the training as a Community-Based Trainer, Lucy did not let the skills acquired stay with her. She organized similar trainings for her group members.

“Our men and women understood the importance of working together.  We are growing maize as a group and will sell as a group.” Said Lucy, the Community Based Trainer. Kipepa Women of Hope.

 We were also taught the best practices of drying coffee, and cassava using polythen. We now have clean food and seeds.

 We were introduced to the district stakeholders like; the District Agricultural Officer, District Community Development Officer, and the District Commercial Officer among others. This has improved our operations. When are faced with any challenges in our garden, we call the leaders who are often swift to support us.  We were once challenged with pests in our maize garden, and the Agriculture Officer advised us on the pesticide to buy and spray. We did this, now the maize looks healthy.

JESE connected us to suppliers with quality seeds and fair prices. We are not taken advantage of like before. We want to thank JESE, CARE, and the district team for the continued support given to our group.

We are privileged to be among the group who will receive the 50 million shillings start capital loan from the Kyenjojo District Local government to invest in the business.” Shared Lucy.

We want to thank JESE for coming to the ground to ensure that we practice what they taught us. Thank you for not giving up on us. Care for trusting JESE with the funds to support us. The district for allowing JESE and Care to come and support us and for giving us the start capital loan, and the community we encourage you to continue embracing the program.

Kipepa Women of Hope in their maize garden.

It was a day of joy and excitement at St. Joseph’s Kyamatanga Primary School when a generous donation of AFRIPADs arrived, bringing much-needed relief to the girls at the school. The donation, made by AFRIPADS, with support from SIMAVI and JESE focused on supporting menstrual health and hygiene, came as part of an initiative to empower girls and ensure their uninterrupted participation in education.

For years, many girls at the rural Kyamatanga primary school faced challenges that affected their ability to attend classes regularly, especially during their menstrual cycles. Lack of access to affordable and reusable sanitary products often forced them to miss school, falling behind in their studies and struggling with confidence

St. Joseph’s Kyamatanga Primary School is located in the Kyamatanga cell. Rwesenene ward, Buheesi Town Council Bunyangabu District.  The school has a total population of about 1340 pupils, 612 of whom are girls and 890 of whom are boys.

AFRIPAD distributed donations to over 189 girls. On 17th October 2024, JESE and a team from AFRI Pad visited the school. During the visit, girls from primary four to seven were selected to attend a training and demonstration on how to use reusable sanitary pads. Hygiene was emphasized, and girls were encouraged to wash the reusable pads before starting to use them. They were also oriented on the steps to undertake when washing the used pads.

“When washing the used pads, ensure that there is no soap or blood left then dry it under the sun.” Said Patricia Humura from AFRIPADs.

 The demonstration sessions were very participatory, and several pupils took part in the training.  About 10 (02 males & 08 females) teachers participated in the training.

The Senior Women Teacher shared that attendance has not been the same. Parents are faced with high expenditures, which has led to pupil absenteeism. With the donations, which included underwear, a pack containing 5 reusable pads, and a booklet given to the pupils, the Senior Women Teacher believes that attendance will improve.

“For our pupils who have been absent due to lack of pads during menstrual periods, we are very happy for the support.” Said Stella Kajoina, a Senior Woman Teacher, at St. Joseph’s Kyamatanga Primary school.

Stella believes that hygiene will improve among their pupils with the additional donations received. “Some of our pupils have been using one pad for a whole day. With the additional support, their hygiene will improve.” Adds Stella.

Patricia from AFRI pad demonstrates how to use a reusable pad at St. Joseph’s Kyamatanga P/S.
Ndungu Isaiah, Country Representative- Join For Water-Uganda.

On 08th October 2024, JESE Participated in the Validation meeting on the development of wetlands inventory and river banks’ sustainable restoration and management plan for Fort Portal City organized by Join for Water.

 Following the wetland inventory exercise conducted by AID Environmental, stakeholders were invited for a validation meeting.  Findings were shared and participants were tasked to input and select 6 wetlands within Fort Portal Tourism City for restoration.  The meeting was attended by stakeholders including; AID Environment, Joint Effort to Save the Environment-JESE, NRDI, KFF-Kyaniga Forest Foundation, Tooro Kingdom, Police, IDP, Religious leaders, Fort Portal Tourism City leadership and Administration among others.

 A total of 06 wetlands were selected for restoration including; Mugunu-Mpanga, Kamutebi, Kyabagayana, Karamaga, Nyabukara-Kamengo and Nyakimya respectively.

In attendance was the Fort Portal City Mayor, Hon Ashaba Edson Rugonza who shared the following;

This is a noble cause in water. Fort Portal City is ready to work with you (JFW and partners). Fort Portal is an urban district. The Policy is on urbanization. As we move forward, let’s think about urbanization so that the rest of the country can be left to develop agriculture which is the backbone of our country.

” We need to be mindful of the required services for our people. We all know that water is life. I want to add that “Good water is life.” We need to think about the type of water we talk about. We pledge to work with you. I want to be educated, to be told what we need to do to provide good and clean water. We promise to pull up our socks and tighten our belts so that we fit in the same shoes as you to provide clean water for our people. I wish the partnership that has already been created with Fort Portal City was cemented further. People move to the city every year, and the more people move, the more degraded and polluted the city becomes.” Said, Hon. Ashaba

I call upon JFW to concretize the partnership created with the City so that we can move forward. Our water resources must be guarded. We would like to get information about our wetlands and what must be done to protect them. All the laws, policies, and authorities are in place to safeguard our wetlands. There should be no more excuses. Let’s do what is expected of us.

Remarks by Mr. Nesta Larry, the Deputy Resident City Commissioner, Fort Portal City.

We have existing laws to protect the environment, unfortunately, we have people who decided to sleep on the job. All the degradation activities have happened in the presence of our leaders. It’s not very late. We can still work. We must start somewhere. We now have a system that we will use and not rely on the environmental police alone. With or without the environmental police, we will enforce and move on to restore our wetlands. We must stop further degradation and encroachment.

Thanked the participants for being part of the significant engagement. Thanked JFW and partners saying “These are the NGOs we need for the value they add. He however said the engagement should not stop with the meeting and requested more engagement meetings be arranged in the future.

Mr. John Lodungokol, Assistant Commissioner- Crop Production but also Chairperson Ecological Organic Agriculture -Initiative National Steering Committee, launching the RAAP.

The Rwenzori Agroecology Actors Platformed was launched on the second day of the Indigenous Seed and Food Fair. Envisioned to support the Rwenzori region communities to achieve steady socio-economic development premised on sustainable utilization of natural resources, the RAAP aims to transform agricultural practices and policies based on principles of equity, justice, and ecological sustainability for the well-being of present and future generations.

The RAAP’s strategic actions include: Capacity building of farmers; Networking and collaboration among diverse actors; Knowledge generation and dissemination of practical experiences and best practices; Demonstration and Evidence-based documentation; Promotion of Agroecological Markets and Advocacy and Policy Engagement.

During the launch, representations included; JESE, PELUM, KRC, Mountains of the Moon University (MMU), TOPA, Natural Resources Defense Initiatives (NRDI), Bunyangabu Beekeepers Cooperative Society Limited, The Association of Rwenzori Community, Rugarama United Youth Beekeepers Association, Kyenjojo District Coffee and Vanilla Farmers Cooperative Society Limited, Iles De Paix (IDP), Broederlijk Delen (BD), Albertine Interventions for Development (AID), Community Sustainable Initiative Link, Kiima Foods, Care, NARO_Rwebitaba ZARDI, Kabambiro Farmers Marketing Association, Uganda Martyrs University, ISSD, IFDC International, Kabarole Beekeepers Cooperative, Bwamba Cooperative Union among others.

Present were also representatives of the different local governments in the region including Kabarole, Ntoroko  Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Kyegegwa, Bunyangabu  Districts, and Fort Portal Toursim City.

Ndiva Jalia is 31 years married youth with three children in Futibutangwa cell, Rwengoma Ward, Fort Portal Tourism City. She is an urban farmer and one of those early adopters already implementing their plans. Together with her household they drew and finished their integrated farm plan which they presented during youth training meetings for possible improvements. After fine-tuning the drawing of her plan, she embarked on implementation where she decided to start with vegetable production for home consumption and poultry for income generation.

Before the training, Jalia had poultry structures with no birds because, after her husband’s support in

construction, she lacked the money to buy start-up chicks and technical knowledge on how to raise them. JESE/IDP provided her with 200 one-day-old kroiler chicks, vegetable seeds (spinach, carrots, beetroot, eggplants, and Sukuma wiki among others), and technical advisory services, especially in urban farming, business development skills, and PGS among others.

After one month of raising the provided chicks, Jalia recognized some male chicks within the flock. She sold 100 of them at Ugx 1,000,000 and made a profit of Ugx 560,000 after subtracting Ugx 4,400 from the cost of raising each bird. She used the money to buy more than 200 chicks each at UGX. 2000 and spent the rest of the money on personal needs.

Jalia sells her mature chicken after every 4 months (at Ugx 30,000 –  Ugx 40,000 per bird).  Jalia also supplies a variety of vegetables to the neighboring community where she earns an average of Ugx 30,000 per week. This has enabled her to have a continuous flow of income to cater for other needs especially feeding and treatment of her birds as well as provision of some basic needs in addition to what the husband brings.

 “The use of IFP has promoted cooperation among members of the family as we are all working together to achieve our future home status. The approach has reduced our expenditure drastically because we use chicken waste as manure, some vegetables as food for the family as well as chicken feeds.” Jaila said.

We hope that when we focus on our plan, we will continue producing food sustainably. This will address food security and stable income.  We use chicken waste as manure to boost soil fertility to reduce costs. More other integrations according to plan will enable efficient utilization of available resources hence reducing costs of production. For example, rabbits and goats added to urban farms will provide manure and pesticides for their vegetables whereas unutilized vegetable leaves to feed the rabbits.  

Jalia and the entire family are very grateful to the Mpanga Super Farmers Program for the support being given which has and is continuing to change their lives. The family now has safe vegetables in the household in time for consumption.

Ms. Nyakahuma Elizabeth of Bwera 1 Village in Kicheche Sub-County, Kitagwenda District is a beneficiary

of the JESE-Integrated Farm Planning Project, HereWeGrow and SCHMITZ fund, the project supports the improvement of income and resilience of smallholder Robusta coffee farmer households in Kitagwenda and Kamwenge Districts. After training in Agroecology, integrated soil fertility, and water Management practices in April and May 2024 respectively, Elizabeth embarked on mulching her intercropped coffee and banana field to tap into the technology benefits.

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The objective of mulching is the prevention of land degradation specifically nutrient improvement,

erosion control, soil moisture, and soil health improvement. The materials are spread to 15cm thickness, manually across the slope, at the beginning of short rains. The purpose is to retain moisture content in soil by promoting water infiltration during and after the rains, promoting water holding capacity through decay and organic matter formation. Grass mulch also controls soil erosion by intercepting raindrops (splash erosion) that detach soil particles and improve soil nutrients through grass decomposition.

In addition to mulching, Elizabeth has adopted other agroecology practices including making and application of bio rations, recycling of livestock manure, intercropping, agroforestry, and establishment of water retention trenches. Through the adopted practices, the farmer will benefit from; reduced weed growth hence reduced labor input, limited water loss from the soil surface, maintaining soil moisture, prevention of layering over the soil surface, and water movement will be more active into soil covered with mulch rather than running off, prevent soil from splashing onto leaves; this limits the probability of plants getting bacterial and fungal diseases. All these will translate into higher yields at a lower cost and consequently improved farm resilience, productivity, and profitability.

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