JESE Joins other partners in a Dialogue and exhibition.

The Ministry of Water and Environment, in collaboration with Tooro Botanical Gardens and Common Grounds organized a dialogue and exhibition aligned to this year’s theme, focusing on the regional sub-theme ‘Water and Environment for Climate Action.

Participants included; Region based Civil Society Organizations/NGOs, District Officials, Political leaders, Community Association representatives, Institutions, Media, MWE regional Center Staff, among others.

“Once the environmental resources are degraded, we will not get what we want. Water is a cross-cutting resource and we must protect it. The quantity and quality of water must be achieved.” Remarked Mr. Orejabo Albert, Assistant Commissioner, Water Management.

The panelists deliberated on reflections from COP 29 on climate change, strengthening the conservation of threatened tree species for ecosystem resilience and improved livelihoods, harnessing biodiversity-based ecological restoration for water management, research, and innovation.

“When we have a healthy ecosystem, we will have a healthy and clean water. Let’s protect the ecosystem, plant indigenous trees to have clean and quality water.” Encouraged. Dr Guma Brain, Team Leader, AWMZ.

The Panelists emphasized the need to: Bridge the gap between research and policy; Involve community members to enhance sustainability of the desired behavior and Adapt to the global biodiversity standard in the conservation measures.

Additionally, the Ministry’s deconcentrated structures (RWSRC-5, Midwestern Umbrella, and Albert WMZ) and region-based water and environment practitioners showcased adopted approaches to addressing climate change and promoting livelihood initiatives in the region.  While JESE exhibited the Mpanga gorge prototype, cycads under the Protection and Equitable Use of Fresh Water Resources (PURE) Program and showcased the work done by one our beneficiary under the Skill up! Program that empowers and skills the youth. Provides them with startup capital to start their own enterprises as a way of reducing pressure on the eco system.

The exhibition stalls were visited by about 500 participants, including; Pupils, students, Development Partners, the Ministry of Water and Environment among others.

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