Posted 12 months ago

Consultancy Opportunity (ToT)

Terms of reference to conduct a ToT on business coaching and mentorship under the expansion of green colleges project


Expansion of Green Colleges is a 4-year project supported by Welthungerhilfe and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented together with JESE, BBC, and MTI. The project is being implemented in the Rwenzori region, in the districts of Kabarole, Bunyangabu, Fort portal Tourism City and Kasese.

Project Objective: Youth unemployment in the Rwenzori region is reduced by promoting and expanding vocational training in green skills.

Specific Objective of the project: 1,000 young people (whom at least 50% women) in Kabarole, Bunyangabu, Fort portal Tourism City and Kasese districts acquire technical and economic skills and life skills in the 15 training centers and use these for (self)-employment in the Green Sector.

Justification for the Training     

The selected young people that are skilled under the project are supported by business coaches and mentors during and after their training. The coaches and mentors form a social support system for the young people by accompanying them during and after their training. Mentors will be identified to support the youth in the aspects of business startup and development as well as quality assurance of their products. These business coaches and mentors who already run a successful business and are interested in accompanying young people in setting up a business.  In order to ensure qualified support for the young people, these coaches and mentors will be specially trained as ToTs.

This is the reason a training for the business  mentors and coaches has been organized with the aim of Providing them with the knowledge, skills, and techniques to effectively guide and support the green colleges graduates in their personal and professional development. Mentorship and coaching training enable the coaches and mentors to share their knowledge, expertise, and lessons learned with the graduates. Through mentoring and coaching relationships, valuable insights, best practices, and practical advice can be passed down, helping mentees or clients accelerate their learning and avoid common pitfalls. This transfer of knowledge and experience contributes to the development of future leaders and business professionals.

General objective of the mentorship training

To equip the identified business coaches and mentors with knowledge and skills to support the graduates of the project in their respective communities to scale and tap into existing opportunities in the  green skills sector / economy.  The experts will base the training on the experience and lessons learnt from previous engagements. Examples of best practices and challenges will be used to support understanding and use of mentorship and coaching competencies in core areas that create a conducive business and earning.

Specific objectives:

  • Conduct business coaching and mentorship training workshop for at least 20 mentors and coaches.
  • To support participants with specific skills, knowledge, and competencies relevant for coaching and mentorship practices.

Operational Activities

  • Conduct needs assessment to identify the needs, goals, and expectations of the individuals or groups participating in the mentorship and coaching program. This will help tailor the training to address specific areas of development.
  • Train 20 mentors and coaches in a five days training workshop.
  • Develop a comprehensive program design that includes the structure, duration, and content of the mentorship and coaching training. Determine the training methodologies, materials, and resources to be used.
  • Training Delivery: Conduct training sessions in a workshops setting using various instructional methods, such as presentations, discussions, case studies, role-plays, and interactive exercises. These sessions should cover topics such as effective communication, active listening, goal setting, feedback, and ethical considerations.
  •  Provide opportunities for participants to practice and apply mentoring and coaching skills through role-plays, simulations, or real-life scenarios. Encourage feedback and reflection to enhance learning and skill development.
  • Foster a supportive learning environment where participants can interact, share experiences, and learn from each other. Encourage peer coaching or mentoring relationships to strengthen practical application of skills.
  •  Gather feedback from participants throughout the training program to assess its effectiveness and make improvements. Conduct evaluations to measure the impact of the training on participants’ knowledge, skills, and confidence.


  • An inception report providing a  detailed training plan and training time table.
  • Training materials and training presentations.
  • Training report with action photos and participants evaluation of the training and implementable recommendations.

    The consultancy

    The Consultant will present an expression of interest (EOI) containing:

  • A curriculum Vitae indicating the relevant capabilities in conducting business coaching and mentorship training.
  • A technical proposal detailing.
  • A comprehensive and relevant methodology
  • Clear work plan.
  • Draft training tools
  • A financial proposal indicating details to justify the proposal.

Period and duration

The business coaching and mentorship training will take a maximum of 5 days held for one group comprising of 20 mentors and coaches in Kasese.

The training should be planned during the week of 19th to 23rd of February 2024.

Consultant Profile

The consultant undertaking the assignment will be expected to have relevant demonstrable previous experience in conducting such training of mentorship and coaching. The consultant will have good analytical and writing skills and good ability in reporting.  Expression of interest should be sent to: and copy to:

And should be submitted by close of Business 15th February 2024

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