Promoting menstrual health management in women, Out-of-school girls in Agago
On November 22nd and 23rd, JESE conducted a training of key stakeholders from Agago District Local Government on using the Menstrual Health Management (MHM++) manual.
The manual targets women and out-of-school girls and was developed by MHM master trainers along with Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) with support from Nuffic and funded by Orange Knowledge Programme.
In conjunction with Geregere Sub County Community Development office, key stakeholders were mobilized and these included; District officials (Gender officer, District Health Inspector), technical and political leaders, sub county personnel, Parish chiefs, health centres’ in charges, heath assistants, schools’ management committees, parents’ teachers’ association representatives, Village Health Teams (VHT’s) and wetland community management committees.
A total of 65 people (Males= 27, Females= 38) participated in this training.
The MHM master trainers from JESE and HEWASA Caritas conducted the training in an intensified manner, covering all the 04 modules; Puberty, Myths and misconceptions; Sex and Gender, Understanding the menstrual cycle and its challenges; Knowledge on menstrual health management, and Communication of information around Menstrual Health.
This was crowned by categorical action planning for District/ Sub County officials, heath centres/ schools representatives and community based structures cadres (VHT’s and wetland management structures).
Participants were actively involved both in experience sharing and functional drawing such as body parts with much preference on men with majority of the participants who ably identified the gaps in terms of their involvement on MHM issues. All participants promised to disseminate MHM information with immediate effect.