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Strengthening Resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities

Strengthening Resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities (DRR) is a two and half year project implemented by Oxfam, JESE, AND CSBAG in Isingiro and Kyegeggwa with support from European Union Trust Fund. The project aims at Rehabilitating and managing Natural Resources and the environment sustainably, inclusively, and protected in Isingiro and Kyegegwa Districts thus promoting social cohesion between the host population and refugees.

With a focus on Sustainable land use management plans development, and environmental restoration activities undertaken through rehabilitation, afforestation, and sustainable management, the project has so far established of 37.5ha of woodlots in both isingiro and Kyegeggwa districts. The project has also promoted environmentally friendly energy conservation techniques in institution and Household through construction of energy saving stoves. Formed and trained twenty-four (24) natural resources/ environment committees in local governments and areas where woodlots have been established. Strengthening Resilience through enhanced Local Disaster Risk Management Capacities (DRR) is a two and half year project implemented by Oxfam, JESE AND CSBAG in Isingiro and Kyegeggwa with support from European Union Trust Fund.

The project aims at Rehabilitating and managing Natural Resources and the environment sustainably, inclusively and protected in Isingiro and Kyegegwa Districts thus promoting social cohesion between host population and refugees. With a focus on Sustainable land use management plans development, and environmental restoration activities undertaken through rehabilitation, afforestation, and sustainable management, the project has so far established of 37.5ha of woodlots in both isingiro and Kyegeggwa districts. The project has also promoted environmentally friendly energy conservation techniques in institutions and households through the construction of energy-saving stoves. Formed and trained twenty-four (24) natural resources/ environment committees in local governments and areas where woodlots have been established.

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