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The impact of Energy-Saving Stoves on the community of Kamrono model site-Agago District

Meet Auma Colline, aged 32 years old from Kamrono village, Biwang Parish, Lira Sub County, Agago District.    She is married with two children. Auma studied up to primary seven.

I have been involved with Jese interventions since 2020 when IWRAM and WASH activities commenced.” Auma shares.  My challenge then was firewood and I would trek long distances to search for it.” She continues.

In October 2023, JESE mobilized the Makitich group for a three-day training in making local energy stoves. Being a member of the group, I attended the training. The training focused on environmental conservation. We were also taught how to make energy cooking stoves.

This has saved me time to attend to home chores like; washing utensils, bathing children, and cleaning my home.

Training of Makitich group in making energy-saving stoves

“My husband and children now support me in cooking since the energy stove is smoke-free hence saving us from diseases.” Said Auma.  “We are safe from the Karamojong warriors who hide in the bush where people firewood.” She adds.

his intervention has supported the fight to combat the high deforestation rate for charcoal production and heavy fuel wood utilization which is among the major contributing factors to climate change’s negative effects. “I am surely a living example to my fellow community members. I am among the 06 trainers of trainees and I have helped 11 households to establish energy-saving stoves in my group since the training.” Auma shares. “I sincerely convey my gratitude to the JESE team and all the funders. I pledge my usual commitment to any other future intervention.” She concludes.

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