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Youth Empowerment through Urban Farming

Kihumuro Pius is a 22-year-old youth and a member of Mwibale ward in Fort Portal City staying with his grandfather. He joined Mpanga Super Farmers Program (MSFP) in 2022 after dropping out of school due to lack of school fees. Together with other youth, Pius was trained on the integrated Farm Planning approach under the program. Together with his household, they drew and finished their integrated farm plan which he presented during group training meetings for possible improvements. After fine-tuning the drawing of his plan, he embarked on implementation.

“After the training, I used part of the money which had been given to me as transport refund to buy vegetable seeds since they were cheap and affordable in June 2023. I grew vegetables, harvested, sold to the neighbours and earned UGX 100,000 by the end of the season.” Pius Shares. Some vegetables were eaten by the household which provided a cheap source of food to supplement bananas from an already existing plantation.

“I used the money from the sales of vegetables to buy a pair of rabbits at UGX. 20,000, other vegetable seeds (carrots, spinach and Sukuma wiki) and to construct a simple structure for my rabbits using locally available materials”. The rabbits kept on producing, and I sold 20 rabbits at UGX 400,000 and bought 2 goats and three ducks. Through this program, my farm has been diversified with rabbits, goats, chicken and vegetables which was not the case before.

The program has supported me to construct improved structures for goats, rabbits as well as providing me with a water tank for water harvesting and a shed net for constructing a greenhouse to enable continuous production of my vegetables. This has facilitated easy manure collection from the goats and rabbit unit as well as continuous vegetable production for income generation. “I am currently earning an average of UGX. 20,000 from sales of vegetables per day. On average, I also sell 10 young rabbits for UGX. 100,000 per month.” He continues. The IFP approach has in the shortest time helped us to build a strong bond, good commitment and collaboration as a family in the implementation of the plan.

The goats, ducks, and rabbits are already providing manure to be applied in the vegetable gardens and vegetable leaves are being fed to rabbits. The integration on farm has enabled sustainable farm production, contributing to food security and increasing incomes. The use of manure has reduced costs of production by saving money that would have been spent on buying inputs to enhance soil fertility to meet other family social needs. I have been exposed to new and better innovations through the learning exchange and other exhibitions. This has inspired me and other youths supported under this program. As a family, we are very grateful to Jese and IDP for material support and regular advisory services given which has and continues to change our lives.

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